• Geekstone
    21/01/16 06:02 PM

    Intro into deep learning

    Mihailo Isakov
    Amphitheater in the main building University of Novi Sad
    free entrance


In the last couple of years, there is a big fascination with the term "Deep learning". On the next Geekstone meetup Mihailo will explain and demystify some of the core concepts, and give a brief explanation of what are the fundamentals of DL (convolutional and deep neural nets, auto-encoders and other things), why hasn't deep learning worked before (in the 90's), and what has been changed now.






Mihailo Isakov

Mihailo is an assistant at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. He is interested in machine learning and artificial neural networks. Currently he is working on the text processing networks. He is saving money for a NVIDIA graphics :)

  • Danila KiÅ¡a 3v
    21000 Novi Sad

  • +381(69)701 456

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